single-line. Motor: 12V 6 hp, High Output Parallel Series Wound Remote Control: Remote switch, 12` (3.7m) lead, S2 elements, integrated flashlight. Geartrain: 3-Stage Planetary Gear Ratio: 156:1. Lubrication: Aeroshell #17 aeroshell 17 AeroShell Grease 5, AeroShell Grease 6, AeroShell Grease 7, AeroShell Grease 11MS, AeroShell Grease 14, AeroShell Grease 15, AeroShell Grease 16, AeroShell Grease 17, AeroShell Grease 22, AeroShell Grease 22CF, AeroShell& ... The Mars Science Laboratory aeroshell is a capsule comprised of two parts; the back shell and the heat shield. Prior to installation of the thermal protection system on both parts, the aeroshell structure went through static load testing.
The benefits of Grease 33MS include: Improved anti-wear and corrosion resistance over AeroShell Grease 17; It is fully compatible with AeroShell Grease 33, so reduces the risks and problems associated with misapplication; Load carrying& ...
single-line. Motor: 12V 6 hp, High Output Parallel Series Wound Remote Control: Remote switch, 12` (3.7m) lead, S2 elements, integrated flashlight. Geartrain: 3-Stage Planetary Gear Ratio: 156:1. Lubrication: Aeroshell #17
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